The aim of this blog is to start in a little way what the promises of God will be perfected in, for this is just our day of little beginnings. Gospel for all nations is a mandate and instruction given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 16: 15.
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creations”. TNIV. Also in Mathew 28:19.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (NKJV)
This Gospel is for all Nations, the people of all tribes, to the people of every country, every state, province etc. it is the word that dwells on the truth, the very truth that sets one free. It is the truth about the Son and his absolute authority to set us free indeed. He is also the Light John 1:5 the very light that lighted everything that commet into the world John 1:9. He is the life John 1: 4, the very bread of life, in him we are have life and life abundantly. A summary of this attribute of Jesus succinctly embodied in the great claim of John 14:16 which say:
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
We preach this word to all creations, regardless of their background, origin, status, occupation, social and economic conditions etc. this word is the message that every human needs, it answers to the urgent and ever crying needs of the inner heart of every human being on the face of the earth, in this world we are not all equal as a result of varying reasons, some may be as a result of our actions or inactions or even as a result of other superseding circumstances. What makes the difference at the end of every human life is this: have you heard the word? And if you did what was your response to it? This is the most important distinguishing ground that will stand at the end.
The word which is made for all creation is the word that was from the beginning John 1:1, the world was with God and the word was God. It was through the word that the whole earth was created and nothing was created without the word John 1:3. The word became flesh and He dwelled amongst us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of God who is full of Grace and Truth John 1: 14. Our cry today on the streets of the whole earth is perfectly similar to that of the Samaritan woman of John 4: 29 which say:
Come, see a Man who…….. (NKJV)
We are calling to every creation to come and hear the word, most importantly because we profess what we have received because we believed Him. Jesus is the message to all Creation and the entire world, still after over 2000 years he is still the proven answer for the world today.
In the cause of these periodicals we would like to state that we are a voluntary, non-denominational organization, we are not a church and will not be structured as one, the mandate given to us is to preach the undiluted, uncompromised, unedited and every refreshing word of God to the Nations of the world. We believe in the supremacy of the Bible as God’s Holy word and the primary Authority and Constitution and ground norm of our Holy Faith. for after all it is the truth, the very truth as contained in the scriptures that sets us free from the law of sin and death and more so the world is in need of manifest libration now more than ever before.
In the course of bringing these message to all nations through these medium, we would also from time to time publish messages of exemplary Men and Women of God who were not necessarily Pastors, or Reverend or men of God as could be simply put, but where those that most importantly knew their God and without any iota of doubt have been referred to as GOOD CHRISTIAN. We will explore the life and messages of people like R. A Torrey, Smith Wigglesworth, D. L Moody and the inexhaustible list of the numerous Fathers of the faith and also from contemporary men of God, who preach a balance Gospel.
We surely trust in God to carry these messages to the world, because it is the Holy Spirit that convicts one of sin, righteousness and judgment and we wish above all the work of ours will have a lasting impact on your lives.
Bro. Simon Atai Paul
For Gospel to all Nation International.